Sunday, March 14, 2010


So, my baseball coach always gives us these life lesson talks. He talks about character and hard work, or integrity and sportsmanship. Then, the other day he talked to us about accountability. He told us we need to hold ourselves and our teammates to a higher standard. This makes quite a lot of sense. To be the best you have to work like the best, right? Then it occurred to me that isn't accountability a nice way of saying peer pressure? Well, the way I look at it, if the team strives to for perfection and there is someone not working as hard, and the team then tells him to get in or get out, that's peer pressure. Then I realized that this was a good thing, peer pressure was being used for the betterment of the team. So, I ask myself, does this mean peer pressure isn't bad? I would have to say yes. To be better the whole must push the outliers to get in with the pack. Accountability is for the betterment of the team, and I now believe the infamous peer pressure can be good.

1 comment:

  1. i completely agree. i myself have never saw peer pressure as a positive thing. that is until a wise guy once explained to me to thoroughly.

    as we all are, im growing and learning.
    more power to you. 8)
