Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Perfection? You've got to be kidding me!?!

When I walk into a situation I try my best, and I expect myself to be as perfect as I can. I know perfection is impossible, but the pursuit of it is the best way to better ones self. When a coach demands perfection he needs to expect some failures along the way. My baseball coach is a single minded coach. perfection or go home. It works fine when he is a good mood, but on a bad day practice is hell on earth. Slowly, this whole season he has lost the respect of most, if not all the players on the team. He preaches character and respect, integrity and honesty, but he is a hypocrite to the letter. When we respect everything he asks us to do, and he spits curses and yells at us for a simple mistake I find it hard to respect him. When our team meets to discuss things his hypocritical tyranny is always at the top of our list. I demand the best from myself and expect the best from my teammates, we trust each other all the time. We believe we can be the best, but our coach ruins our focus and desire. We love each other too much to side with our coach on any matter he decides to yell about that day. We are a team that is bonded by talent, desire, and sadly hatred.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


I always fall into the same patterns, time and time again. Sometimes for months sometimes years. My best friend (who is a girl) screws with my head. Not on purpose granted, but she manages to do it. She is my best friend and has been for years. We are always there for each other every up and every down. We just connect I guess and I don't know why. This last December I realized I had all these pent up feelings for her. Not just feelings, but head over heels feelings. Well leave it to me, I told her. Needless to say she broke my heart. After that we were on awkward terms to say the least.
Recently, she and I have fallen back into our old selves. Which is good, but I just wonder why, even though we often seemed to be broken apart for some reason or another, we can always be friends again? I wish these ups and downs didn't have to happen, but i guess it shows how strong of friends we really are. She is a big reason I can survive high school.

Sunday, March 14, 2010


So, my baseball coach always gives us these life lesson talks. He talks about character and hard work, or integrity and sportsmanship. Then, the other day he talked to us about accountability. He told us we need to hold ourselves and our teammates to a higher standard. This makes quite a lot of sense. To be the best you have to work like the best, right? Then it occurred to me that isn't accountability a nice way of saying peer pressure? Well, the way I look at it, if the team strives to for perfection and there is someone not working as hard, and the team then tells him to get in or get out, that's peer pressure. Then I realized that this was a good thing, peer pressure was being used for the betterment of the team. So, I ask myself, does this mean peer pressure isn't bad? I would have to say yes. To be better the whole must push the outliers to get in with the pack. Accountability is for the betterment of the team, and I now believe the infamous peer pressure can be good.


Sorry about the problem with viewing my blog. It works now! I hope you will continue to read.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

School Spirit?

This week has been my school's annual spring spirit week. Either it gets more lame every year... or I am becoming more cynical by the day. My bet is a little of both. I just can't get excited about my shit school, EVER. My school is a perfect example of this country's failing school system. Sports reigns king and people want me to get excited about our shitty school beating a another shitty school at sports. I mean really? This is just a subject that needs to be criticized. How can a high school like this be someone's "glory years"? I just can't find it in me to have school spirit. School spirit, in the words of a cynic (me), is a way to keep people down. Shouldn't school be trying to force us out into the world or higher education? Or should they make high school sickeningly easy and try to make it peoples "glory years"? I wish my shitty school would think more about educating people than about how much school spirit there is.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Why Wait?

Recently I met this girl. Yes, a real live girl talked to me. She is great, except she lived pretty far away, and in my earlier post you wil realize my car won't make it very far. So, when I did get to see this girl I knew she was somethin' special. Well, we hung out for a while and just talked and laughed and had an all around great time. Well, then came the talk. DAMN I hate that talk. Don't pretend you don't know the talk. The what are we talk. The where is this going talk. So, she asked me these questions and I put them off because I have a. . . claustrophobia of relationships. . . for lack of a better term. So, I tried to sidestep the talk. I said I didn't think long distance worked. Well, she didn't seem upset at all. Things seemed normal, we talked, and flirted, and laughed together just as we had before. Then, to my horror I see a facebook post. Stupid facebook! She had a date. FACEPALM!! While I thought things were good, she had ben lookin' around. I mean I really can't blame her (would be so much better if I could). That's when I realized I wanted to date her. Screw my stupid phobia I wanted this amazing girl, but I was too GOD DAMN late. So, don't wait. I learned that a little too late.